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Debugging Queries

When using the default as_database abstraction layer (if you don’t know, you are), debug queries by turning on query logging with startLoggingQueries and then dumping the output with getQueryLog. This is done on the database object itself, not the Cough object.

For example:

$db = ConcreteCoughObject::getDb();
$newObject = ConcreteCoughObject::constructByKey(12345);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

If you’re using a dev/production environment, you could setup your dev environment to dump all queries always:

// ... app config -- sets a constant DEV to 1 if environment is dev, else sets it to 0.

if (DEV) {
	$db = CoughDatabaseFactory::getDatabase('main'); // fill in your db connection alias here

// ... do everything else / process request

if (DEV) {
	$db = CoughDatabaseFactory::getDatabase('main');
	$queryLog = $db->getQueryLog();
	echo '<pre>';
	echo 'Total Query Time: ' . $db->getQueryLogTime() . ' seconds for ' . count($queryLog) . " queries.\n";
	echo '</pre>';